Dan Dooley grew up in St. Louis. After a term in the United States Army, he settled in the Chicago area where he married and began raising his family. There he began his career in the medical electronics field, and obtained his education in business management. A job move led them to Texas in 1979.
Dan lives with his wife Patsy in Paragould, Arkansas. Dan and Patsy were both widowed and they came to meet each other through a local widows and widowers connection group. They very soon knew that they were meant to be a couple together, and they were married within a few months of their meeting. Their experiences in widowhood and interacting with the widowed community greatly inspired the writing of these books.
His interest in fiction writing extends back to his childhood years, but career considerations, and just generally life, pushed the opportunity to write fiction into the background. Years of writing technical material, including user and service manuals, as well as other related documents within the scope of his job positions, also tended to stifle the creative flow.
Now retired and beginning a new life with Patsy, and with their involvement within the widowed community his interest in writing has gained new life. He stresses that Patsy is his muse and his inspiration and the proof is in the finishing and publishing these books.
Between them, Dan and Patsy have four sons and ten grandchildren. They love to travel and have recently entered the world of RVing, and their goal is to see as much of this country as they can pulling their travel trailer. They both enjoy outdoors activities and they have a very active church life. Of course family and friends are important elements to their life.

About The Author
Rather than saying that I am a Christian writer, I prefer to label myself simply as a writer who is a Christian. Rather than my books being categorized as Romance novels, the are actually simply love stories. I believe that there is a difference. Author, Novelist. Stories about finding love after loss. Christian Romance with a touch of Steampunk.
"Come take my hand, and walk through this world with me"
There is an old George Jones song titled "Walk Through This World With Me." After I lost my wife of fifty years several years ago, the song came to my memory.
She and I had been partners for the many years we were married. We traveled together. We shared ups and downs together. And we walked the final steps together. And on any occasion when out and about, we walked hand in hand.
Now I was alone and my hearts desire was to have someone to give me her hand and the two of us walk through this world together. Would that it be the one I had shared life with for those fifty years. But, that was not to be. And I did not want to spend the rest of my life alone. Thus I soon learned to know that God would have someone for me. In His time.
On a photo outing one day, I spotted this couple. I had no idea who they were. I still don't. But here they were, walking hand in hand. That's what I wanted.
All good things come in time. God sent a wonderful widow my way. We were soon married, and once again, I had someone to walk with me. And that's what we have done. We share life together. Travels, and the ups and downs of life. And we walk through it all, hand in hand.

Our story of searching for and finding each other was the inspiration for the first book in the Legacy of Abigail series, 'A Ship Called Abigail,' I've said that she is my muse, and I believe that sincerely. Our life together is the thing which inspires my continuing to write.